Earth is an Abstract Mosaic!

Animals Nature Art Wonder Mystery Adventure

I do not wish to convince anyone by these few examples that there are Millions of Mad Designs, & Some of The Most Intricate, Detailed and Incredible Phenomena/Handiworks/Mysteries on earth one's ever seen, but rather to spark & encourage your own curiosity & explorations of earth to see for yourself & discover new designs the world has yet to see, and perhaps learn or consider something new along the way.
Find a local design, share, think, feel & talk about it. Step outside, see, experience and appreciate nature and earth with a new lense. If you were indoctrinated as I have by upbringing and culture to spot mega 'business' potentials, Please take some extra time to re-consider how it can be done more lovingly- for everyone & everything. I Have created a short video with visual tips on how to make your discoveries on earth, along with a plea to all of us to begin seeing and doing things a little differently, & More loving.
Kicking things off
#1 The Badlands Guardian-
Discovered in 2005 by Lynn Hickox, which garnished international news attention and has become a viral net sensation. Listed on Time Magazine's website as a top 10 Google Earth Finds. According to Wikipedia, created by wind and water erosion over time. A term popularly contributed to stories about the Badlands Guardian is 'Pareidolia', meaning- 'The perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where none exists or is intended' (American Heritage Dictionary, 5th edition). A term I only heard myself for the first time a few weeks ago from an intelligent friend.

#1 The Badlands Guardian
#2 The Guardian Kitty-
The Badlands Guardian has a Lion! Or is it the other way... The Guardian Kitty has a Badlands Guardian? (& more??) Either way, these two are, and seem to have been inseparable for quite some time... How long exactly? It's a darn mystery :). The Guardian Kitty has earned it's title, being the Actual reason Alberta has remained rat free, keeping those in Saskatchewan on their own side :p Seemingly quite angered, perhaps being frozen in time & unable to paw whatever it has it's sights set on... Is there a laser pointer nearby??! Or perhaps the naughty putty tat is after a tweetie bird...
#2 The Guardian Kitty

2nd image- Saturated w/Boundry lines & locations
#3 The Guardian Bird-
Nestled comfortably and safely in its bosom is both the Badlands Guardian, riding with the Guardian Kitty. The Guardian Bird is a pretty big girl, measuring in at at least 18.5 Miles or 30 Km in Height, with a wingspan not entirely clear. She stands tall, head on, ready to give hugs to whoever needs. She's a real beauty :)

#3 The Guardian Bird
#4 The Great BirdyShark (Shark)-
Spanning Mexico, The U.S. of A & Canada at an impressive 2,800 Miles long, this monstrosity of a mammal seems to have only made its appearance really known in the last decade as the land appears to have become a little dryer than usual. Winnipeg seems to have already been caught in it's jaws, while the Saskatchewan/Manitoba board seems to be in its sight. But don't let its size fool you, rumor has it, those teeth are not necessarily as sharp as they appear, and are said to tickle more than actually hurt ;)

#4 The Great BirdyShark (Shark)

2nd image with boarder & boundary lines

3rd image from public domain Natural Earth, I believe from sometime ago as BirdyShark (Shark) is Just beginning to rise from the depths.
#5 The Great BirdyShark (Birdy)-
Another big bird, having nearly disappeared today, she still shows up in different maps from time to time since her glory days. Her wings span from Manitoba, and remain over the magnificent Canadian Rockies, North Montana, Idaho, Washington & British Columbia. She's a bit of a daredevil in her own right, not seeming to mind tempting fate as she glides along with her shark companion. BirdyShark is coming in hot for a landing in Montana, where she remains perched to this day.

#5 The Great BirdyShark (Birdy) Natural Earth public domain

2nd image for fun, zoomed, public domain, 'Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
Department of the Interior/USGS' 'North America Terrain 2003' Map

& Back to the Badlands Guardian again as all it's surrounding friends along for the ride on the Kitty also wanted to say Hello to the world :)
These stunning designs are not exclusive to a top down views, and are discoverable from different angles, seasons & lights, and even extend to ground level of rock faces & hillsides. Take a look at your own nature pictures and re-spot these hidden wonders. Facial features are the easiest to first spot, Eyes, Ears, Mouth/Nose/Snouts/Beaks. I have included a fun little Treasure/Scavenger Hunt below (Because who doesn't love a good adventure!!? Even if I had EVERYTHING I could want in this world, I'd still be keen for a good adventure & exploration :)
When you find these treasures, (& others) if you would like, tag them with any or all related hashtags (#BirdyShark for one), create your own fun names, and share them to any/every social platform you have accounts with. Another idea is to find a smaller local design, perhaps one you live on, or near, and take up a personal project to care for it (trash removal, weeding, improving etc :)
Whichever satellite or map imagery you are using, ensure you have credited the source according to their guidlines as to not have the post removed. I will be manually approving finds tagged to BirdyShark, which will be viewable as 'tagged in', and shucks! Create your own explorer page and keep this train rollin! Very fun videos can also be made using Google Earths 'fly to' functions on desktop.
A Loving Animal Hunt
Main Card + 2x Wild Cards :)