Hello ! My name is Mat
& I love traveling
Lol! That intro & pic is stock from the website builder on Hostinger.com I will leave as is for now. My name IS in fact Matti, I Do love to travel, AND have been a poser surfer for over 20yrs now :p. (I mean, Super Poser! Didn't even catch on first look This Mat's holding a skim board hahaha!)
This project has taken me WAY longer than it should have... Earth has been a wee distracting, AND I've been mad procrastinating personal responsibilities, and that of sharing these findings. However, better late than never... & from what things are looking like, as I am typing this on the 28th day of February, 2025- I couldn't be more excited today is looking like the day this will finally be launched :) *Update, Launched on Mar. 1st :p (So much for my aspiring astrological bouts of grander haha)
Here is a little story of how BirdyShark came to be-
What began as finding on Google Earth a few miles from where I live was what I first thought to be the remnants of the worlds Largest Beaver, clocking in at 1km in length!

Then, upon reviewing historical images from 2002, suspected this was a Glyptodon!

If you are unsure what a Glyptodon is, I don't blame you. I didn't either. A Glyptodon is/was part of the Mega Flora/Fauna days (VERY Large Plants & Trees/Animals). An ordinary Glyptodon grew to the size of a Volkswagen Beetle & is a part of the family we most commonly know today as the armadillos. Below is a size reference to the nearby Town of Penhold Alberta it sits atop (well, to the West ;)

I prepared for the Town of Penhold a proposal of Why I felt the Glyptodon should be placed under a historical/heritage protection & removed from the oversight of a popular Unlimited Duck shooting 'conservation' group, who also advocate allowing cattle to roam the area- which to my concern, would lead to eventually stomping out any remaining trace of the design.
More on the status of this project along with personal life & thoughts can be found at TheGlyptodon dot com